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How to use this website

How to use this website

This page explains how the Prevention and Treatment of Periodontal Diseases in Primary Care guidance is presented in this website. See below for advice on how to use the website and tips on how to get the best from it. 

Home page:

  • Guidance provides a Summary plus nine in-depth guidance sub-topics
    • Summary: an overview of all sub-topics within the guidance;
    • Sub-topics: Assessment, Diagnosis, Treatment Planning, Treatment Components, Managing Disease, Long-term care, Dental implants, Referral, Record keeping.

  • About this guidance includes: 
    • the context, background and scope of the guidance within the Introduction;
    • guidance development and the methodology employed; 
    • information about NICE accreditation and endorsers of the guidance. 

  • Supporting tools includes a range of resources to support users to implement the guidance, with information for patients.

Navigation and Search:

  • The top menu provides easy access to Guidance, About this guidance, Supporting tools, Search.
  • Use the left-hand menus to delve more deeply into the guidance or go back a level.
  • Use the Search function to find specific information of interest. Page titles that match your search term are listed first in the search results. If your search term is not in a page title, it is likely to be in the first few pages listed.
  • On any page, click the Home icon to return to the Home page.
  • Use the Navigation page to access links to all pages on the Periodontal care website

Page features: 

  • Key recommendations are clearly indicated. The basis for each key recommendation can be viewed via the drop-down title underneath: 

Example of Key Recommendation format

  • Other drop-down titles give access to more in-depth information:

Example of accordion format

  • Bulleted clinical practice advice points are presented in shaded boxes:

Example of clinical advice points format